Christianna was married yesterday so I can now share a few from her portrait a few weeks ago.  We were on the UNC campus for this session., with all of the indoor images taking place at the Carolina Inn.

Flowers by the fabulous Lyn Graves at Fresh Affairs

Beth & Scott- Angier, NC

April 20, 2008

A truly remarkable day.  Beth had her heart set on a beautiful garden wedding and by about 2:30 it was pouring rain.  It rained until half an hour before the ceremony and then all at once it was perfect.  No rain, no humidity, no worries, and one happy Beth!

I have to give an extra special shout out to  Cathy Honeycutt at Barclay Villa.  She and her staff did an amazing job rearranging the ballroom to accommodate the guests for the rain plan and unlike many wedding directors I’ve worked with who will call the wedding inside at the first raindrop, Cathy went with the flow and helped make the day perfect.

Best of 2008

April 19, 2008

It looks like we’re still cool like we were last year. We just opened the mail and discovered our 2008 best of weddings award!

If it’s anything like last year then the phones will be lighting up with interview requests from US Weekly, the Today Show and a feature on the Perez Hilton blog. Or maybe not, who knows 😉

I guess we’ll never know who voted for us (unless you confess) but we thank you!


April 14, 2008

As photographers, Meridith and I like to decorate our world with photographs from other artists. It’s tough though, because we don’t necessarily want images of people we don’t know hanging on our walls and we’re not really into landscapes so it really narrows our options.

Every time we go to Charleston we stop by the Walter O. LeCroy Gallery and admire the interesting work on display. We have been looking at this piece for about three years and finally decided to take it home last weekend (actually we had it shipped, it’s way bigger than our car will hold)

The process Walter used for this image is “cameraless photography” which means that a very high quality scanner is used to create the images which are mainly of botanical subjects. This method gives a very crisp, ultra detailed look to the subjects as well as a razor thin depth of focus.

We are both really excited to have this in our home. Art you connect with just makes you feel good.

Kristen & Lee- Cary, NC

April 11, 2008

You know it’s going to be a good day when you realize that your clients are really cool, and the other wedding professionals you’ll work with that day are at the top of their field.  That was pretty much what we walked into at Kristen and Lee’s wedding.

From Lyn’s floral design to DJ Joe Bunn’s party, we had the best of the best making this day a hit, including Tracy Adams who kept things going smoothly and taught us all the Cupid Shuffle.  Don’t even get me started on the reception!  Between Lyn and Prestonwood it was that fairy tale scene that everyone wants but only a few designers can pull off.

As seen on the “Bunn Blog”

I just noticed that I must have a bit of an issue with authority lately. This is the second time recently that I have unintentionally incorporated trespassing into an *E* session. Although I don’t think we actually did trespass this time since we were on the outside of that particular fence.

Anyway, my quest for danger and the rock ‘n roll life aside, I think that Tyler and Jim had a good time walking around their neighborhood and making the neighbors look twice and whisper. At one point a neighbor walked by and asked if the photos were for their wedding announcement for the paper. I told them that Tyler had just won the Powerball and I was there from People Magazine to cover their story.  Of course none of that was true, but hey, if you’re going to get the neighborhood talking make it good right?

Baby Steps

April 10, 2008

So this is waaaaay off topic from weddings or photography, but with the attention everyone is giving to both oil and the earth, I got my own opportunity to stick it to the man at OPEC.

My trusty gas mower of ten years died yesterday in the middle of mowing, so I went out this morning and got myself an electric mower. It’s cool, you just charge the battery and go. No pulling a rope, no stinky gas, no carbon emissions and it’s pretty quiet too. I’m Certain that this won’t bring back those glaciers in the Arctic, but you gotta start somewhere right?

As soon as they start offering all electric cars I’ll be all over that too. Have you seen the Honda Clarity? It’s going to either rule the world or flop big time and it’s coming to a California town near you this summer!

Happy April Fools!

April 1, 2008

After last year I’m not allowed to do any April Fools pranks.

For those who didn’t get my April fools news letter last year, It stated that we were going to abandon our digital cameras and be shooting all of our future weddings on black and white film. In my defense I did leave a lot of clues that it was an April fools inspired story, but only a few folks really embraced that.

Good grief did the response pour in! Brides were calling and emailing to be sure it wasn’t THEIR wedding that we were talking about doing that. Other photographers emailed to tell us that it was a cool idea at the same time gently indicating that they thought we might have gone insane. Past clients emailed to say that they saw the newsletter and were relieved that their wedding album was already delivered.

Then there was the worst part of all. (or funniest part, it kinda depends on how you look at it) Meridith was across the room throwing paper at the back of my head, hurling “I told you sos” right and left, and trying to deal with a suddenly very active email inbox.

In the end, there was no film shot in the year of 2007, (not that we ever intended to) and I learned a very important lesson. I’m not exactly sure what the lesson is just yet, but I know it’s important. So this April first, no tricks, no pranks, just happy Tuesday!

We did this session back before I posted Bridal sessions. Lauren’s Mom (hi Diana) just ordered a few more and so while I was looking at them I thought you might want to also. This was one of those sessions that started out nice and proper and ended with fun stuff! These are a few of the ones that they just ordered.