A Funny Book

July 21, 2007

Meridith and I were in Barnes & Noble a few days ago and this book caught my eye. The title: Somebody is going to die if Lilly Beth doesn’t catch that bouquet– The Official Southern Guide to hosting the Perfect Wedding. was something I can relate with because I have seen that scenario play out at several proper southern weddings in my time.

I opened the book to random pages, and it’s just funny. It includes many recipes such as how to punch up punch without adding alcohol. The difference between Baptist and Presbyterian punch and of course the proper way to treat Northern guests. I would recommend it as a lite read (if you’re still planning your wedding) no matter how southern you are or are not.

Though I rarely say “y’all”, I was born and raised in the south, but this book is a whole new level of southern to me, so some of it I have seen first hand and other subjects are too funny to relate with, but still funny.

For their wedding feature in Weddings Unveiled Magazine! I can’t believe it was last summer when we were climbing rocks and having a great time on their wedding weekend.  Again, my scans of the pages leave a bit to be desired, but if any of our brides would like a copy of this magazine for some good wedding eye candy, call me.

Independence Day

July 7, 2007

A little late posting I know, but we’ve been enjoying the last week in Wilmington with our families.  July 4th began with the annual parade down Pine Street, and ended with a huge fireworks display over the river downtown.  I didn’t take a camera to the fireworks, but you’ve seen those before I’m sure.  The best part was that Will really enjoyed them this time instead of screaming his head off like last year.

Premier Baby & Child

July 6, 2007

We just received our copies of the latest Premier Baby & Child Magazine.  I did the maternity fashion feature and wanted to share the images with you.  I wish scans of magazine pages looked better than this, but you’ll have to get a copy to check out, even though I know that a lot of our readers (our brides) aren’t quite there yet.









